Things I'm Loving: November 2014 — Cake Over Steak
Things I'm Loving: November 2014

Things I'm Loving: November 2014


Well, another month has passed us by. At the beginning of November, Robert and I had our first joint art show as a couple. I showed pieces from this blog (obviously), since the main reason I did the show was to celebrate its one year anniversary, and Robert showed his personal work. We really appreciate everyone who came out to support us at the opening and to those of you who bought some of our pieces. We had a wonderful time talking to all of you. Also, thank you so much for all of your sweet comments about Cake Over Steak's first birthday. It means a lot to finally be a part of this food-blogging community I've been watching for several years now, and it's even better than I had expected it to be. You're all awesome. Last night we headed up to Watkins Glen, NY (to my in-laws') for some Thanksgiving festivities through the weekend, but I wanted to leave you with some things I've been loving this month: 


Explosive Housewifery - My friend Autumn is not only totally interesting and lovable, but she's also a killer writer. She is a stay-at-home mom who home-schools her 4 kids (and has #5 on the way!). She used to write these somewhat lengthy, beautiful Facebook posts with small glimpses into her daily life, until several people convinced her to start a blog to give these pieces of writing a real home. She finally took our advice, much to everyone's benefit. She has a way of finding beauty in all of these small moments throughout her day, and she writes about them in a wonderful voice. Her kids are also special little people, which make her stories that much more compelling. I would highly encourage you to read through the few posts she has up on her blog thus far, and I guarantee you will feel starved for more.


Jeni's Art & Design Team - We all know that Jeni's Ice Cream is one of the coolest companies on the planet, but have you seen the paintings coming out of their Art & Design Team?!?! They're killing me - especially this one. Seeing these really makes me consider fooling around with other mediums for my illustrations on this site. What do you guys think? What would you want to see?


Running - I'm still using my Adidas miCoach app, and I still love it. I recently finished my first "program" on there and have moved onto a 5K program. I've never felt like such a strong runner before (and I'm still not really that good), but it's getting addictive to see how far I can get with this app helping me along. It used to be a struggle for me to run more than 2 miles, but now I run 3 miles without thinking about it and have even run 4-5 miles a few times without dying. However, I could use a better sweatshirt-like thing for running outside in this colder weather. Do any of you other runners have recommendations for me?

I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday! I'm just glad I'm not cooking like last year. If you're starting your holiday shopping this weekend, I'm hosting a sale in my Etsy shop through Christmas - just use the coupon code "HOLIDAY2014" at checkout for 15% off your entire order.

Illustration at top created with leaves, paint and Photoshop.
Prints of my illustrations (and other products with my work on them) are available in my
Society6 shop.

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