Things I'm Loving: February 2014 — Cake Over Steak
Things I'm Loving: February 2014

Things I'm Loving: February 2014

I can't let this post pass me by this month without mentioning a certain thing (person) I've been loving: Robert. (aka Future Hubby) Watch out - I'm about to get a little sappy. Today is our two year anniversary, and in less than six months we will be married. This thought overwhelms me so much that most of the time I can't bear to think about it. For me it has been one of those feelings I never could have imagined until I experienced it; it is indescribable and wonderful. As part of my wedding planning/research I've been reading through some bridal magazines, as any good American bride-to-be would do. A lot of these publications like to highlight what they refer to as "real weddings," and they will usually start off with a little backstory of how the couple met, their dating history, etc. They usually go something like, "When they locked eyes across the Philosophy classroom, blah blah blah ... and then years later after graduating they reconnected and started dating, blah blah blah ..." and then they get to the part about the proposal: "blah blah blah and he suddenly got down on one knee and PROPOSED." And almost without fail, every time I read the words "and he proposed," I tear up. I'm tearing up as I write this. People - this is what it means for me to be engaged. It's like I'm PMSing 24/7. But, it's amazing and I'll be a little sad when it's over. So I'm loving Robert - for wanting to marry me, for dealing with my "crazy" on a regular basis, and for encouraging me to start this blog. (And for helping me make this space more beautiful by taking such lovely photos!) Here are some less personal things I've been loving: 


PAPER/PLATES Interview - This month I was featured on the blog PAPER/PLATES, a really fun site about two of my favorite things: food and books. They provide interesting and thoughtful book reviews, which they pair with recipes. They also often feature other bloggers (like me!) in their "At the Table with..." series. I really enjoyed the interview because I was able to talk about my favorite books, why I blog, which bloggers I admire, etc. If you haven't already done so, please check it out!


Wild Child Radio - I recently discovered the band Wild Child on Spotify, and instantly fell in love with their album Pillow Talk. I would describe their music as "fun and folky." Around this time of year I usually find myself craving happy, lighthearted music like this as I impatiently wait for spring to arrive. So naturally I made a "Wild Child Radio" station on Pandora, and that has been helping me get through all of these short, insanely cold and snowy winter days.


Joy the Baker Podcast, Episode #115 - In what will go down in history as The Best Anniversary Gift Ever, Robert called into the JtB podcast as a surprise! He professed his love for me, told them about my blog, they looked at my blog, they loved it, I'm on cloud nine. I'M FREAKING OUT. It's so amazing. Robert is the best (see above). If you want to hear his hilarious and wonderfully sappy voicemail, it comes in around the 48:30 mark in the podcast. But if you have time, listen to the whole thing! It's a great podcast. AH! Still freaking out!


Todoist - I'm a major list-maker. It helps me to get things out of my brain and onto a list so they don't have to float around in my head as much. Lately I've been using Todoist, an online to-do list tool. I like this one because you can separate items into different "projects," and they don't need to be assigned a due date, so you can let them hang out on the back burner in the list for its specific project until you are ready to address them. Right now I have projects titled Blog, Wedding, Financial, Home Stuff, and Recipes to Make. I'm such a nerd - can't you tell?


Zumba for Kinect - At the beginning of January I took the plunge and bought my first video game ... to make it easier to work out at home. I usually try to go to the gym on my way home from work, because once I get home, chances are I won't be leaving again (unless it's for my Monday night zumba class). But, sometimes I can't go to the gym right after work, or it would just be easier for me to work out later in the evening. I love my Kinect because if I want to work out later in the evening, my commute is as easy as walking into my living room. Also, if I don't have a ton of time to work out, I can usually squeeze in a short 30-minute zumba workout. It's been great for all of these snow days, since I'm definitely not driving anywhere when there is 6 inches of snow and ice on the ground. 

Prints of my illustrations (and other products with my work on them) are available in my Society6 shop.

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Vanilla Bean Waffles

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